Year In Review



2023 〰️

Over the past seven years, our mission has been to make Jesus accessible to anyone and we couldn’t do without the service and sacrifice of people like you! Year after year, God has been faithful to our church and we can’t believe we get to do this together!

We've compiled this annual report to provide some visibility into the impact that you are having as a partner of the vision and mission of Journey Church. As you browse this report, we hope you are reminded of the many lives around the world that have been impacted because of your generosity, your prayers, and your support. Let’s keep making Jesus accessible to anyone together!

Your Impact

  1. East Campus Launch

  2. JRNY MSC EP Release

  3. XO Conference

  4. HerStory Conference

  5. Team Conference

  6. Serve Week

  7. Back to School Bash

  8. 7th Anniversary

  9. Culture Conference

  10. Christmas Miracle

Top 10 Moments

Every number is a person, every person is a story and every story matters to God. In 2023, we saw so many lives say yes and heard so many stories full of the life change that comes with salvations, baptisms and more.

Life Change


Journey Youth

Journey Leadership Academy

Cristina & Josh’s Story

Cristina & Josh share their story of how Jesus changed their hearts through the power of giving. Feeling like they did not have anything to give, they still trusted and responded to the call to tithe and saw God move in their lives and in their business.

Josiah & Ayelis’ Story

Josiah and Ayelis share their testimony of becoming small group leaders despite their age and any obstacles they faced. They talk about how they didn't let their youth or challenges deter them from leading others to Jesus. Their story highlights the importance of saying yes and not allowing limitations to hinder the calling to serve and lead others in their journey through the power of community.

Inez’s Story

Inez shares her story on moving to Florida, finding Journey Church and getting connected through Next steps. Inez is now a part of the Dream Team and has found community through serving in JKIDS.

Our mission statement is “We exist to make Jesus accessible to ANYONE.” We believe that the church isn’t the building we are in but rather the body of believers that are gathered. Our Online Campus expands this mission by broadcasting our services on a global level to thousands of people each week. We have witnessed and heard testimonies of life change across the world and we can’t wait to continue making Jesus accessible to ANYONE anytime, anywhere.

Global Reach


2023 Average Sunday Streams


Countries & Territories Represented





JANUARY 29, 2023

41, 262

Streams in 2023



2023 〰️


God has blessed our church immensely. Our response to that is to give back to our community and partner with others in what God is doing not only in our city and nation, but also around the world. Through our Serve Saturday projects, Mission Trips ,and outreach initiatives we’ve been able to partner with local and global organizations to share the love of Jesus and meet the practical needs of our community.

Given away in 2023

3, 575

Outreach hours served in 2023

$84, 366

Local Missions

$55, 863

National Missions

$137, 712

Global Missions

Your Generosity in Motion

Our church partnered with No Greater Love to send a team of 16 individuals to El Salvador. Because of your generosity and your prayers we were able to bring gifts and the message of the gospel to 150 students in two schools, rescue and minister to men who were addicted to alcohol, help with construction work, cleaning and the inauguration a rehab center and visit 3 different communities to bring donations, share testimonies, and pray for almost 200 children and adults.

El Salvador Missions Trip

Paris Missions Trip

Our second missions team went to France with YWAM Paris Connect. They served different communities throughout street evangelism, homeless outreach, and family festivals. We heard that this organization still needed funds to be able to continue the second week of the mission. Because of your generosity, we were able to partner up with them and 150 other team members and make this happen. Take a look at what we were able to accomplish together. 

Financial Breakdown

Tithes and Offerings

$4, 178, 446. 21

2023 Legacy Offering




All salaries & benefits for Journey Church employees.



All expenses related to rental, outfitting, and maintenance of facilities used by Journey Church.

Ministries & Operational

Ministry expenses of Journey Church. Include costs related to teams, events, development, and other day-to-day operational needs not including outreach.


Funds designated to accelerating the vision of Journey Church. Used for launching future Journey Church locations and for significant capital expenditures.





Consists of contributions and donations made to church plants, not-for-profit organizations, Journey Missions, and community outreach.